Citygate Church is on track to deliver 200 hampers to local families in crisis this Christmas.
Hampers containing enough food and Christmas goodies to last 1000 people for three days will be delivered to the door on Wednesday 23rd December by a fleet of 70 drivers. Each hamper will also contain a toy voucher and a message of hope from the Bible.
The Bournemouth church is appealing for more partners to help them. Ed Briggs, the project leader said:
“We are so grateful to the local agencies, charities, businesses and community groups who are busy right now nominating families, pledging food, recruiting drivers or sponsoring hampers, but we would love some more to join with us to help those families suffering most over Christmas.”
One of the major partners with the hamper appeal is Bournemouth Foodbank. Debbie Coombes, the Project Director said:
“Citygate Church opened their Community Hub in April, at the start of the COVID crisis. Since then they have fed over 2000 people and supported many people in crisis with signposting and advice. We are delighted to work with them on the Hamper project again this year. It is a huge help to our clients all over Bournemouth.”
The Citygate Community Hub provides a COVID-19 secure drop-in six days a week for foodbank clients and others in crisis. Lenford, a recent visitor of the Hub received support from the volunteer team who gave him a food parcel and helped him register with a GP so he could receive his prescribed medication. He said:
“This place is beautiful. This place is a godsend. I’m ex-military. I used to have it all. When I came here I had nothing. I did give up. When I met you all, you said, ‘Come, we’re going to help you.’”
The Christmas Hamper Appeal has been a partnership between Citygate Church and Bournemouth Foodbank for four years. Groups or individuals can find how they can get involved here:
Originally posted by Citygate Church here:
Also published by Bournemouth Echo here: